The benefits of massage range from taking a moment for yourself to the relief of muscular tension and stress. Massage is such an intimate and personal experience that it's difficult to sum it up in just a few sentences. I have been a licensed massage therapist for over twenty years and have had a plethora of feedback from people as to why they receive massage and how it helps them. Massage can be relaxing and both physically and emotionally healing. I've had people experience relief from muscle pain and fatigue. Some people receive massage as a means of self care, or it can be a part of an individuals self care routine. There are people who incorporate massage as part of their fitness program as it can assist in keeping the muscles supple and limber. As for me, as a therapist, the benefit of massage would be doing something I love and assisting people in feeling good and doing something positive and healthy for themselves. Please keep in mind that massage is not for everyone and can make some individuals feel uncomfortable, which is never beneficial.